
Raw(e) Mirror Images

This photo was taken at a museum in Atlanta. It's one of their hands on exhibits (I can't remember which one). Colin is trying to figure it out:)
Go on over to Sailor & Co.'s blog to see more Raw(e) images.



Mountain Streams and Memories

Waterfalls and Picnics

This Summer I guess you can say that I've been a little obsessed with waterfalls, mountain streams, picnics, and trips to the beach. It may be the record high temps here in SC, but I just can't get enough!
I've also been thinking a lot about the memories that I'm helping to make today for my kids. I want them to look back at their childhood and remember adventures and picnics! I want them to savor every minute of their childhood! It brings joy to my heart that just before bed when we pray together, my children thank God for letting us enjoy HIS beautiful creation! This life is so wonderful! Everyday is a gift from our Creator! So I pray that you use this day to LIVE and make some memories!
Looking Glass Falls.
Pisgah Forest, NC
Little Bradley Falls.
Saluda, NC

Raw(e) Flower-o-Rama

The Raw(e) theme this week is flower-o-Rama. I took this picture yesterday. It is a Mountain Laurel blossom floating in a cold mountain stream. I'll post more of my pictures from our mountain adventures later tonight.